Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's like meeting her for the first time (27 weeks)

Pregnancy can seem like a pretty abstract concept, even when your belly is the size and consistency of a watermelon. Is there really a child inside there? The moving and kicking isn't enough to make the reality of it hit home. However, I have to admit that seeing Peanut's face on the 3D ultrasound today made me realize that we might actually have a baby soon. A baby like the babies that people carry around in strollers and backpacks; a baby that makes poopy diapers and wears outfits with little critters on them.

Here she is! I think she has Jon's nose and my chin. Hello, Peanut! I promise we will have a name for you soon.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Twenty-five weeks and asserting herself!

Peanut seems to have hit a serious growth spurt the past few weeks. I am now large enough that sleeping has started to become a logistical challenge: every hour-and-a-half I wake up to flip over or visit the restroom, because whatever I have been sleeping on (especially hip-wise) is sore. However, turning over is not so difficult yet that I weigh the pros and cons of just sleeping on the sore side, so for that I am grateful.
At 22 weeks Jon was first able to feel Peanut's kicking, and now Peanut is big enough that I can see her movements from the outside. She is an active little critter! And more than that, she is exquisitely sensitive to any changes in her environment, be they mechanical or chemical. For example, antacids seem to make her kick. I suppose her favorite food will be Tums! Another example: earlier this week when I was startled awake by my alarm clock, two seconds later Peanut began thrashing like she had been startled too. I guess adrenaline also crosses the placenta! Based on her fitfulness in the womb, I predict that Peanut will either be really bright or really bratty...or both.
It has been difficult to wait for the next round of ultrasounds. I like being able to see that Peanut is doing ok, and just hearing her heartbeat is not enough (although she did hiccup for the Doppler at our 25-week appointment, which was pretty cool!). We are only two weeks away from the big 3-D ultrasound, which should net us both photos and a video--I can't wait.
The past few months have been extremely busy, and as such we have not made any progress on the naming or nursery preparation front. But it is Spring Break now, so once my grading is done, Jon and I will start cleaning, arranging, and washing clothes. Thank you to Merritt, Bob, and Wendy for the fabulous hand-me-downs!